
Sublime Text 3, How to see her in detail?

Content List:

A. PASTE Multiple Texts
B. MOVE Middle Texts
C. MOVE Forward Multiple Lines


TCL, MAC address increment

set var_mac 001A6A00001F
set var_incr 000000000001

set var_mac2 [ format %X [ expr "0x$var_mac + 0x$var_incr" ] ]
puts $var_mac2

set mac_next "001A$var_mac2"
puts "Next MAC Address is $mac_next"

Next MAC Address is 001A6A000020

Line 1 to Line 4 產生的值為 Line 5 的 6A000020, 而不是 001A6A00001F, 少了 001A. 很奇怪, 所以才在 Line 7 補上 "001A", 有空再回頭瞭解.
Line 2 $var_incr 也可不用 000000000001, 可以是 1.


MD5 Checksum - Linux

  • Tool: md5sum
Generate MD5 checksum

Generate a 10M file for test propose.
  • # dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/test-10M bs=1048576 count=10
  • 10+0 records in
  • 10+0 records out
  • 10485760 bytes (10.0MB) copied, 0.063248 seconds, 158.1MB/s
  • # ls -la
  • test-10m
Generate MD5checksum
  • # cd /tmp
  • # md5sum test-10M > test-10M.md5
  • # ls -la
  • test-10M
  • test-10M.md5
  • # cat test-10M.md5
  • f1c9645dbc14efddc7d8a322685f26eb  test-10M

Verify MD5 checksum

Copy test file (test-10m & test-10m.md5) to USB flash
  • # mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /usb
  • # cp -rf test-10M test-10M.md5 /usb
  • # ls -la /usb
  • test-10M
  • test-10M.md5
Verify test file in MD5checksum
  • # cd /usb
  • # md5sum -c test-10m.md5
  • test-10M:  OK

MD5 checksum - Windows 7

  • Tool: MD5 Checksum Tool
  • Vender: NoVirusThanks
Generate MD5 Checksum


TCL, Switch - Select right one through multi-options

set num 3

switch $num {
              " 1 " { puts "Monday" }
              " 2 " { puts "Tuesday" }
              " 3 " { puts "Wednesday" }
              " 4 " { puts "Thursday" }
              " 5 " { puts "Friday" }
              " 6 " { puts "Saturday" }
              " 7 " { puts "Sunday" }
              " default " { puts "Wrong Value" }

  • Wednesday

TCL, File and Directory

Establish, Delete, Copy & Rename
Detect existing, Size & Type

[ALL Syntax]
file mkdir "directory_name"

file delete "directory_name"
file delete -force "directory_name"
file delete "file_name"

file copy  source-filename  target-filename
file copy -force  source-filename  target-filename

file rename source-filename  target-filename

file exists  filename
file isdirectory  filename
file isfile  filename

file size  filename
file type filename

TCL, File's Input & Output

  • Open file --> Read/Write file --> Close file
  • Open ==> open filename "access"
  • Write ==> puts filename "content"
  • Close ==> close filename
[Example code]
  • set fd [open "$PATH/$var_sn.tmp.log" a] 
  • puts $fd "[time_str]: $msg"
  • close $fd
[Access Parameter List]
  • r : Reading a existing file
  • r+ : Reading & Writing a existing file
  • w : Empty a existing file,  and Writing the content.
  • w:  Establish a new file, and Writing the content.
  • w+ : Empty a existing file, and Writing & Reading the content.
  • w+ : Establish a new file, and Writing & Reading the content.
  • a : Append the content into the end of existing file, or Establish a new one.
  • a+ : Append (Read & Write) the content into the end of existing file, or Establish a new one.


yEd - Flow Chart tool

Payment: Free
Download place on Official web: http://www.yworks.com/en/downloads.html#yEd

This is a green software that so no need to install it into the Windows and Linux platform.
And JAVA JRE is required before the software installation.