
Sublime Text 3, Package Control

Have a useful package into Sublime Text.

Package source: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages

There are so many packages supported Sublime Text.
Have a first package installation for example.

Package 1- ConvertToUTF8
Support Big5 traditional Chinese
Reference: https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/ConvertToUTF8

Go to Preference --> Package Control

On field of Package Control, type "install package" and have a Enter directly.

Type "ConvertToUTF8" and have a Enter. (no case sensitive)

When installation is done, there is ConvertToUTF8 readme auto shows on a new tap named Package Control Messages.

Other useful package for myself.

[ TrailingSpaces ]

   顯示多餘空白字元.  移除可 resize file to smaller.

[ Alignment ]

   Combination Key:  Ctrl + Alt + A
   選取好要對齊的範圍, 然後按下組合鍵.

